



Objective 1

Mapping of succession stages (herbaceous, scrub and tree formations) on abandoned agricultural land

Objective 2

Quantification of wood stock and increments on abandoned agricultural land and proposal of a system of permanent inventorying of wood biomass within these areas (PILNP).


Work packages


Type of task

Description of task

Work Package


Project Management and Reporting

WP 1

Task 1.1

Financial and Administrative Management

Management and monitoring the use of project resources (human resources, financial, equipment, sub-contracting), and setting, carrying out and monitoring the financial and administrative procedures. Reporting to ESA

Task 1.2

Communication and Management of Meetings

Monitoring smooth communication inside the consortium, but also with the ESA and checking the conformity of the project progress regarding the objectives.

Identification of user requirements and benchmarking


Task 2.1

User needs

Consultations with user organisations, identification of their needs, motivation and defining full set of requirements

Task 2.2

State of art and benchmarking

Consultations with experts, identification of state of art, benchmarking and defining full set of innovative solutions.

Identification and Mapping of Abandoned Agriculture Land Classes

WP 3

Task 3.1

Defining of AAL classes and their dominating interpretation features

Definition of 3 AAL classes, their dominant interpretation features – shape, size, colour, texture and pattern by which these classes can be identified on satellite scenes. Selection of study areas and localities.

Task 3.2

Computer aided visual interpretation combined with OBIA approach within study areas

Identification and mapping of AAL classes in selected study areas. Field research.

Assessment of Above Ground Biomass on Abandoned Agricultural Land

WP 4

Task 4.1

Referential database

Creation of reference database (RDB) containing terrestrial and LiDAR data for two study areas. Field research. Estimation of tree and scrub species volume based on RDB.

Task 4.2

Models of AGB determination from satellite images

Statistical analysis of backscatter values (or DN) and above-ground biomass (AGB). Different sensors, bands and derived product combinations will be evaluated.

Task 4.3

Calibration and validation of AGB derivation models

Derivation of regression and inversion models for stocking estimation, calibration and validation.Proposal of system for permanent tree species biomass inventory on AAL (PILNP).